Chile - Retreat for Directors of the Salesian Schools Network "A good exercise in our journey"
Lo Cañas, Chile - September 2024 - Representatives of the Salesian Schools Network of Chile participated in the Directors' retreat and day held at the Lo Cañas Spirituality Centre, from 2 to 5 September. The motto of the meeting was "A good exercise in our journey", and was led by the Youth Ministry team of the Salesian Province of Chile (CIL) and accompanied by Salesian Father Carlos Ampuero. The objectives of the meeting were to strengthen the identity of the director starting from his vocational response as a leading pastor and educator, through prayer, personal and community reflection and networking, through collaboration and the creation of specific action projects that ensure leadership within the community. This approach involved moments of presentation of relevant topics, spaces for silence and personal prayer, personal and shared reflection, workshops and sharing of exercises and studied elements. The executive coordinator of Youth Ministry, Freddy Araya, said that "the thematic focus of this retreat experience is focused on recognising us as people who pray and servants following the example of Don Bosco. Don Bosco the contemplative in action. It was an extraordinary opportunity for learning, great spiritual substance and fraternal sharing, which is what has characterised this meeting over the years". In addition, the program included a day led by the provincial educational team, which focused its work on the Salesian Educative and Pasoral Plan (SEPP) and successful best practices, a group work workshop to create actions and strategies for pedagogical guidance in management, school coexistence and resource management.