India – A seminar on addiction in the digital world

22 August 2024

Bangalore, India – August 2024 – In recent weeks, the Provincial House in Bangalore hosted a two-day workshop (10 and 11 August) on the risks of addiction in the digital world. The seminar, organised by the Salesian Psychological Association (SPA) was opened by Fr Jose Thomas Koyickal, Superior of the Sacred Heart Province of Bangalore, India (INK), in the presence of Fr Shalbin Kalanchery, Vice-Provincial, and Fr Joy Nedumparambil, Provincial Economer. The workshop was attended by 65 people, including psychologists, consultants, rectors, teachers, social workers and researchers from various parts of the country. The numerous experts who spoke during the two days dealt with different topics, such as mobile phone addiction in the new digital world and methods to get out of it. Dr. Dominic Dixon, former director of UNADAP in New York, then spoke about pornography addiction and its impact, evaluating effective rehabilitation methods. The two-day sessions then addressed the growing issues of these types of addictions, focusing on strategies and interventions to mitigate their impact on individuals and communities. Aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 3, which emphasizes health and well-being, the workshop aimed to promote healthier digital habits and improve mental and physical health.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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