United States – Don Bosco Technical Institute: Summer Internship Check-In

01 August 2024

(ANS – Rosemead) – In the past week the “Bosco Tech” Facebook page has featured stories on Tech students engaged in various industries’ student intern opportunities. These summer opportunities allow students to apply their technical knowledge in real world settings, develop confidence in their knowledge and skills, and reinforce their dreams of future careers. In the following lines, the reader will recognize the great value of a Salesian education in preparing students for future success.

Rising sophomore Aditya Kumar (CSEE) just completed a software engineering internship with the USC Viterbi Startup Garage Office, a tech startup incubator. Although Startup Garage internships are usually reserved for current USC students, Aditya, who is part of the Tech’s Computer Science & Electrical Engineering program, was able to secure the incredible Entrepreneur-in-Training opportunity while a high school freshman. He recently shared a few photos from the incubator’s Marina del Rey head office.

“Overall, it was a very memorable and fun learning experience, especially as a freshman,” he said. “I was able to help (a well-known fan engagement platform) with their software using programming languages such as Javascript and CSS and programming frameworks like React and NextJS.”

“My main project involved building the front-end components for a new AI model that they’re integrating into their platform. I also got to experience first-hand what it’s like running and working in an early-stage tech startup, inspiring me to continue working on my engineering and entrepreneurial skills throughout high school and college so that I can one day run a startup of my own!”

Tech rising senior Jaedon Vo is enjoying his experience at LAC+USC General Medical Center. He’s currently volunteering in the surgical ICU and the orthopedics department.

“Through the many tasks and shadowing opportunities, I’ve gained a great deal of knowledge compared to what I knew before about how hospitals operate and what career choices fit me the most,” he shared. “Not only that, but I now grasp the importance of good healthcare for patients. I am very thankful for the chance USC LACMC has given me and especially my mom for pushing me!”

Jaedon is a part of the Tech’s Biological, Medical and Environmental Technology program. He’s also the student who won the Tech’s Pi Day contest by memorizing 271 digits (yes, 271!), breaking the school record of 201.

“Our Bosco boys are awesome, per usual,” The Boeing Company’s Ashley Jackett recently shared! Ms. Jackett is the aerospace giant’s Engineering Resources Project Manager who oversees the summer internship program. Bosco Tech’s Salesians are grateful to Ms. Jackett and Boeing for the invaluable internship opportunity rising seniors John Lugo (CSEE), Dominic Diaz (CSEE), Vincent Hernandez (MSET) and Micah Wong (IDEA) are experiencing.

Special thanks to Tech alum Daniel Martinez (CSEE ‘17), a former Boeing intern and now a satellite production engineer who’s paying it forward by mentoring Vincent Hernandez on the job. “The past several weeks, I noticed a strong sense of how much the engineering opportunities and networking experiences, through brotherhood at the Tech, are reflected at The Boeing Company,” Vincent said. “I’m giving a shout out to MSET, whose coursework in materials science and CAD engineering are both being applied to the highest degree at my internship position in the electronic department and in my group project.”

The topic of Vincent’s work involves using AI algorithms to improve speed and safety for a space engineering tool. Each of the Boeing interns shares how much the experience is teaching them and how applicable their technology studies are in their work.

For more intern check-in stories, visit the Facebook page of Bosco Tech: https://www.facebook.com/weareboscotech 

Source: Salesians of West USA


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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