Italy – Formation in the charism for employees in the ICP Province at Colle Don Bosco
Castelnuovo Don Bosco, Italy – May 2024 – Formation in the charism was provided for employees of the Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta Special Circumscription (ICP) on Wednesday, 22 May. This was for roles and functions together with the Salesians in the economic, management, pastoral, planning and editorial aspect of the entire Province. During the pastoral year, the province's community offers two retreats and one formation session on the charism. Last year formation in the Charism included a guided tour of the Salesian places in Valdocco, and this year, for the bicentennial of the Dream, it was a must to explore the characteristic places of Colle Don Bosco. Fr Luca Barone, from Salesian Headquarters in Rome, acted as guide, combining with wisdom and competence the historical, biographical, charismatic and artistic/symbolic aspects of the many places that tell of a call, an accompaniment and a mission. The “sonship and responsibility” focuses that served as a content and link for all the places were especially valuable.