DR Congo - Bishop Gaston Ruvezi presides over the opening Mass of the 22nd Provincial Chapter of Central Africa
Kansebula, DR Congo - May 2024 – On 20 May Bishop Gaston Ruvezi, SDB, Bishop of Sakania Kipushi, presided over the opening Mass of the 22nd Provincial Chapter of the Salesian Province of Central Africa (AFC). Some provincial superiors of other religious institutes, as well as the Salesian Chapter members and many diocesan priests, concelebrated the solemn mass, testifying to their support and communion of heart and spirit with all the Salesians gathered to experience this significant moment for the AFC Province. All the other branches of the Salesian Family were also well represented. Fr Guillermo Basanes, Superior of the AFC Province, commented on the day's readings, inviting Chapter members to unity. At the end of the opening Mass, the various speeches were read, including one from Fr Didier Umbi, Moderator of the Provincial Chapter who thanked Bishop Ruvezi for his availability, the members of the Salesian Family present and the St John Bosco community in Kansebula for the preparation of the facilities.