Italy – A painting of the Servant of God Vera Grita has been placed at the "Santa Corona" Hospital in Pietra Ligure

15 May 2024

(ANS – Pietra Ligure) – On Saturday, 11 May  2024, in the church of Sant'Ambrogio e San Carlo, at the "Santa Corona" hospital in Pietra Ligure (Savona), where the Servant of God Vera Grita, Salesian Cooperator, concluded her earthly life on 22 December 1969, her portrait was blessed and placed. It is the work of painter Franca De Mitri, who served as a nurse and caretaker for 42 years in the hospital.

At 3:30 pm, the chaplain, Fr Fabrizio Contini, blessed the painting of the Servant of God, which was followed by the rich testimony of the artist; the Rosary and Eucharistic adoration prepared by the "Work of the Living Tabernacles" Association – which is inspired by and promotes the spirituality of Vera Grita – marked a strong moment of prayer and intercession for the sick and for suffering humanity.

The Eucharist was celebrated by Fr Pierluigi Cameroni, Postulator General of the Causes of the Saints of the Salesian Family and therefore also of the Cause of Vera Grita. In the homily he recalled how she lived her call with humility, gentleness and magnanimity and faithfully fulfilled the mission received from God.

The event, promoted by the Vera Grita Foundation and Fr Gabriello Zucconi SDB, and by the Chaplaincy at Santa Corona, involved several representatives of the groups of the Work Association of Living Tabernacles, of some Salesian Cooperators from Liguria, everal Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, as well as numerous devotees of the Servant of God Vera Grita.

"In this church, Vera Grita attended Mass and went to pray during her long hospitalizations," recalled the president of the Foundation, Maria Rita Scrimieri, and the chaplain, Fr Fabrizio Contini.May her witness of faith in the living presence of Jesus in the Eucharist and of the Virgin Mary in her short earthly life be a sign of hope and comfort for those who in this place of care will ask for her help and intercession with the Lord to be relieved and freed from suffering."


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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