The meeting was attended by 17 current provincials, representatives of as many Salesian circumscriptions in the Region, together with three newly appointed provincials who are about to take up their duties (for Malta Vice-Province and the Provinces of Croatia and Slovenia) and the Provincial Delegate for Belarus within the host Province of Warsaw, Poland (PLE).
The meeting was chaired by Fr Roman Jachimowicz, Regional Councillor for Central and North Europe. Among the guests who offered their reports were Fr Gildasio Dos Santos Mendes, General Councillor for Social Communication; Fr Guido Garino, Secretary of the General Council; Fr Michal Vojtàš, Professor and Vice-Rector of the Pontifical Salesian University (UPS) based in Rome; and Fr Maciej Makuła of the Social Communication Sector.
One of the main topics of discussion was the development of the Salesian mission in the Region, especially in the context of the changing socio-cultural and spiritual reality of Europe. The provincials shared ideas and practices that will help make activities more effective for young people, especially those most in need.
The first evening brought the participants together and prepared an atmosphere of fraternity for work in the following days. In the following two days of work the day always opened with the Eucharist, followed by two topic-based sessions accompanied by opportunities for exchange and discussion in assembly, while the afternoons were reserved for team building and cultural visits to the city highlights.
On the last day, several topics proposed by the provincials were addressed, and the Sunday Eucharist was then concelebrated at the Sacred Heart of Jesus parish-shrine in Warsaw.
The meeting ended not only with concrete action plans, but above all with strengthened fraternal bonds and a sense of community in the Salesian spirit. Thanks to this, the provincials have returned to their communities with renewed strength and inspiration to continue their mission for young people and the Church.