Spain – The Salesian contribution to the history of Salamanca

30 April 2024

(ANS – Salamanca) – On 13 April, as part of the celebrations for the 125th anniversary of the Salesian presence in Salamanca, an interesting conference was held on the theme: "The Salesian legacy in Salamanca: a contribution to the 125th anniversary of their presence", given by Fr Joaquín Torres and Miguel Ángel Fernández, both members of the Salesian Delegation of Cultural Heritage in Spain's St James the Greater Province (SSM).

The conference offered a perspective on the history of the city of Salamanca, starting from the cultural heritage that preserves a rich Salesian charism, to enhance and safeguard its memory.

"Salamanca was a forge of numerous Salesian vocations that, together with Past Pupils, Salesian Cooperators and members of the Salesian Family, spread throughout the world". This is how Fr Torres began his address, stating that Salamanca cannot be understood without the Salesians, just as the Salesians cannot be understood without Salamanca.

The goal of the conference was therefore to make known part of the rich Salesian heritage of Salamanca and awaken an interest in being transmitters of that material and cultural heritage.

During the conference, the architectural richness of the San José centres in Pizarrales and Mary Help of Christians, which stands next to the Don Bosco school, could not be overlooked. Images and chronicles contained in the rich archives in the houses have been shown, making it possible to take a journey through the Salesian history of the city.

History that begins on 30 December 1898 with the arrival of the first Salesians, who took their first steps in the parish of San Benito where the elementary teachings of drawing, model-making, masonry and music were taught.

With the projection of some photographs, the following phases of the work were then described: the purchase of land to build the Mary Help of Christians school, on 11 July 1900; the start of work in 1902; the opening and blessing of the new school on 9 October 1909; the beginning of the construction of the new church of Mary Help of Christians and its opening on 14 June 1945.

The San Benito school was officially closed on 1 July 1955, the date on which the centre was ceded to the Diocese. Also on that date, the Salesian community moved to the Mary Help of Christians school, together with a group of 160 students who attended the summer courses. In September of the same year, in the Pizarrales district, the new San José school opened its doors. This was the new Salesian presence in the city, which from that moment on would offer Vocational Training courses and welcome the students from the San Benito school.

During those early years, several images and artistic works accumulated that today make up a rich catalogue, which is preserved and available to those interested in studying its artistic or scientific value.

Together with its material heritage, the city of Salamanca boasts a valuable cultural and religious heritage. The contribution of the Salesian educational system to the world of education in the city has produced generations of good Christians and upright citizens who have spread throughout Castile and beyond.

The different groups of the Salesian Family, with their particular charism are another of the contributions that the city enjoys. And we cannot fail to mention the great devotion to Mary Help of Christians, visible in the streets and homes, with the presence of domestic chapels.

The Salesian presence in Salamanca is now opening up to the future, with renewed momentum. Historical memory becomes, for each of its recipients, educators, animators, families and members of the Salesian Family, a prophetic challenge: to continue responding to the needs of education and Christian evangelisation of the new generations that will be the future of the Church and society in the city of Salamanca and throughout the world.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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