Italy - TGS 2024 National Assembly: a concrete future
Catania, Italy – April 2024 - The Fortieth National Assembly of Youth and Social Tourism APS (TGS) concluded a few days ago, with about 25 participants in attendance, at the headquarters of the Salesian Province Italy – Sicily (ISI). The work began on 15 April with a formation session held by Dr Rosario Papale, who traced the pastoral proposal of 2004, # sullastradadeisogni, inviting participants to understand what the concept of association really is and how it has reason to exist only if projected towards the future, only if those who design and manage, but also those who participate only as volunteers, build day by day only if those who plan and manage, but also those who only participate as volunteers, build small bricks day by day that are a launching pad for tomorrow. The orientation towards the future, based on the world of the TGS, was the guiding thread for the rest of the day, in which the assembly took care of approving the Mission Report and the Budget. Once again, what normally becomes a depersonalised reading of projects and figures, has taken a completely different form. The discussion around the Mission Report and the budget itself were an opportunity for formation, for discovering the present and future activities, for comparing the initiatives but also for becoming aware of the future objectives of the association, of the path undertaken in recent years by the management. On 6 April, at the Salesian San Gregorio house in Catania, an older structure always dedicated to hospitality, the participants were involved in a technical training activity linked to the novelties but also to the precepts of the Single National Register of the Third Sector (RUNTS), led by Lawyer Giancarlo Gargano.