Italy - VI Central Italy Province - ICP Chapter concluded
Genzano di Roma, Italy - April 2024 - The 6th Provincial Chapter of the Salesian Vice Province of Central Italy (ICC), held at Casa Versiglia in Genzano di Roma from April 1st to 6th, 2024, concluded with a Eucharistic celebration led by its Superior Fr. Stefano Aspettati. It was primarily an encounter of fraternity, reaffirming the familial bonds among participants throughout each day: from prayer and the work of the Commissions to shared meals, leisure time, and discussions in the Assembly. This gathering fostered open and honest dialogue regarding consecration and mission, involving laypeople in service to youth. Three documents were drafted as reflections and contributions from the ICC Province for the 29th General Chapter, slated for early 2025 in Turin. Ahead of this, the Chapter engaged in discernment before selecting two Salesians, along with substitutes, to represent the Circumscription at the General Chapter: Fr. Roberto Colameo and Fr. Michelangelo Dessì, with Fr. Daniele Merlini and Fr. Emanuele De Maria as substitutes.