South Sudan - International Women's Day celebration in Kuajok and Maridi

11 March 2024

Kuajok, South Sudan - March 2024 - On March 8th, the "Don Bosco" mission in Kuajok, South Sudan, commemorated International Women's Day with active involvement from students and their families. Following the Eucharistic celebration, several discussions centered on gender equality, personal hygiene awareness, and the societal roles of women were held. Various games and activities were also organized, and participants received food rations to take home. Simultaneously, the "Don Bosco" institute in Maridi also hosted celebrations for International Women's Day under the theme: "Inspiring the inclusion of women in the development of South Sudan." Students and educators from seven secondary schools congregated at the Salesian institute to reflect on progress made, advocate for change, and honor the remarkable contributions of ordinary women who have made extraordinary impacts in their countries and communities. Fr. Charles Taban, SDB, the Principal of "Don Bosco" in Maridi, expressed satisfaction with the significant number of female students enrolled in the school, emphasizing the institution's commitment to gender inclusivity and empowerment.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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