The Masterpiece Exhibition, which has been held since 2008, is the setting par excellence where companies come into play as leaders, actively measuring the level of professional preparation of students, and an event where the synergy between the world of work and the Vocational Training Centre is strengthened and consolidated.
In the setting of the large Don Bosco Auditorium, the audience was welcomed by the opening greeting of the CNOS-FAP National Formation Director, Fabrizio Tosti, who introduced the speakers and the day's programme.
At the opening, Fr Roberto Dal Molin, Superior of the Salesian Lombardo-Emilian St Charles Borromeo Province Italy (ILE), welcomed the students, companies and guests present. He stressed in his greeting that "we try, with serious vocational training every day, to give young people a solid human formation so that they not only integrate into the civic context, but are a resource for society and invest their talents in the future of the country today."
The introduction continued with a greeting from Fr Giuliano Giacomazzi, Director General of CNOS-FAP, who highlighted the fruitful relationship established between young people and adults with the Masterpieces Exhibition. He also highlighted how for Don Bosco his boys were always the subject rather than the object of his dreams and projects. "Don Bosco asks them to take a leading role, to be convinced that they are capable of even the most difficult things. Don Bosco tells us courageously that this works, that reliance on them is the winning choice."
Round table speakers were presented the end of these first two contributions. The round table was moderated by Sergio Slavazza.
The floor was immediately left to Cardinal Ángel Fernández Artime, Rector Major of the Salesians, happy to be able to take part in the discussiony by virtue of the great commitment made by the Congregation in the vocational training of young people, inherited from the founder himself. And regarding the value and objectives of this commitment, he recalled: "Don Bosco understood that his boys had dignity, potential and the possibility of changing their lives. This apparently simple fact tells us that it is possible today as well; not all young people will be able to express themselves at the highest levels, but this does not matter: it is important to give everyone the opportunity for basic formation suited to surviving with dignity and respect."
Speaking on behalf of the institutions was Simona Tironi, Councillor for Education, Training and Labour of the Lombardy Region, who stressed the importance of vocational training, because "the future of our society comes from it, which in turn comes from investing in young people today." Later, Tironi focused on the centrality of the relationship between companies and training settings, noting as an example the synergies found in the Lombardy regional context which raise the quality of students' vocational paths and assist in job placement at the end of their studies.
Giovanni Brugnoli, Vice-President of Confindustria with responsibility for Human Capital, a significant representative of the productive world, focused on how the skills required by the world of work are changing at an ever-increasing rate. This change can be responded to in two ways: "passively undergoing the change, moving further and further away from the concept of active work; while the second, more desirable way is to go with the change, and we can only do this with skills." Also for Vice-President Brugnoli "the alliance between companies, schools and the local area is strategic and will be the winning solution to guarantee the future for our children."
Rounding things off and focusing on the key people in the Masterpieces Exhibition, two former students of the Vocational Training Center in Arese, Andrea Ciotti and Daniele Lodigiani, gave their testimony, explaining how their school experience and direct interaction with the business world was a cornerstone for their professional life.
Many large national and international companies were represented in the hall, as well as through some video contributions. These are ones that advocate daily for the Salesian Vocational Training Centres of CNOS-FAP and collaborate in the achievement of the formation objectives of young people through technological innovation and their professional know-how.
The event ended with the buffet set up in rooms djacent to the auditorium, and was prepared and managed by the students and trainers from the Catering course at the Salesian Vocational Training Centre in Arese.