India – Salesians in the Panjim Province in India come together for a triple celebration

01 March 2024

Panjim, India – February 2024 – On 26 February, Salesians in the Province of Panjim, India (INP) came together at Mount Don Bosco, Tuem, Goa, to take part in a triple celebration. It was the celebration of Provincial Community Day, where some jubilees were celebrated and new priests were congratulated. Present for the occasion was Fr Clive Telles, INP Provincial, who thanked the jubilarians for their persistent dedication to the apostolate and mission of Don Bosco in the Province. He also welcomed Fr Anthony D'Souza who, after 36 years of service as a missionary in Africa and Europe, will now be a permanent member of the Salesian Province of Panjim. Subsequently, after a moment of praise addressed to the Provincial Council and to all the Salesians of the Province, commendations were delivered to jubilarians and to the newly ordained Fr Ian Pinto and Fr Nigel Pinto. The day ended with a cultural program created by the Don Bosco High School in Tuem and a moment of fraternal agape.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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