RMG – New video of the "It is time for the Chapter" column: the Rector Major presents the seventh action Guideline following GC28

23 February 2024

(ANS – Rome) – The seventh video of the series "It is time for Chapter 28" has been made available online today, Friday, 23 February 2024, in which Cardinal Ángel Fernández Artime, Rector Major of the Salesians, illustrates the seventh Action Guideline delivered after the 28th General Chapter: "IT IS TIME FOR GREATER GENEROSITY IN THE CONGREGATION. A universal and missionary Congregation."

In the column "It is time for the Chapter", the Rector Major of the Salesians offers an in-depth analysis of the eight Action Guidelines, with a particular focus on the generous call to missionary work.

On this occasion, from the Missionary Hall in the "Casa Don Bosco" Museum in Valdocco, Turin, the Rector Major reflects on the missionary vocation rooted in the heart of the Salesian Congregation. The map of the world (Globe) in the hall, witness to Don Bosco's many dreams, inspires a global vision of the mission and recalls that from the first missionaries to the present day, the history of the Congregation is marked by great generosity.

Today, says the Rector Major, in a world afflicted by poverty and educational urgency, the call to mission is stronger than ever. The past teaches us that in times of difficulty, we must respond with great generosity. The Africa and Europe Projects bear witness to the power of dreams and faith in facing challenges. The Sons of Don Bosco are called to be generous, to open their hearts and Provinces to missionary service, thus demonstrating their fidelity to Don Bosco's vision and to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

The seventh video in the "It is Time for the Chapter" series is available in Italian, English, Spanish, French and Portuguese on the different ANSChannel language channels.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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