Poland – Provincial Chapter of the Salesian Province of Wrocław

12 February 2024

Tarnowskie Góry, Poland – February 2024 - "Lovers of Jesus Christ – devoted to young people", this was the motto with which the Provincial Chapter of the Salesians of the Province of Poland-Wrocław (PLO) began on Monday, 5 February. 46 Salesians from all communities arrived a The Provincial Chapter is a meeting that seeks to answer urgent questions about the identity of every Salesian living in the modern world, among confreres, in the community – said the PLO Provincial Fr Bartłomiej Polański, SDB, and President of the Chapter, in his introductory conference on the prophetic gaze on the future of the Salesian Congregation. During the meetings in seven minor commissions, the Delegates of the individual religious houses discussed important issues related to Salesian life, and subsequently, in a plenary meeting, they summarised and collected the most important conclusions and indications for the development of the charism. Fr Paweł Druszcz, moderator of the Provincial Chapter, and the moderators of the commissions helped to make the event a time of deep reflection, prayer and decision regarding further activities and directions of development for the Salesians of the Province of Wrocław. One of the days of the Provincial Chapter was spent together with the laity who collaborate daily in the Salesian mission, and it was stressed by the Salesians that without them the Salesian charism would be incomplete. The Chapter ended on 10 February with the Eucharist and the closing ceremony presided over by Fr Polański.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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