Chile – Ceremony for the installation of the new Superior of the Salesian Province of Chile: Fr Nelson Moreno Ruiz

30 January 2024

Santiago, Chile – January 2024 – On 27 January, in an atmosphere of joy and jubilation, Fr Nelson Moreno Ruiz took up the position of Superior of the Salesian Province of Chile (CIL), supported by the new Provincial Council for the six-year period 2024-2030. The ceremony, which took place at the Shrine of Mary Help of Christians in Santiago Centro, was presided over by Fr Gabriel Romero, Councillor for the America South Cone Region. Cardinal Ricardo Ezzati, SDB, Bishop Alberto Lorenzelli, SDB, and Bishop Bernardo Bastres, SDB, together with the Salesians of the communities of Santiago and of different regions of the country, concelebrated. Present were the family of the new Provincial and dozens of friends of Don Bosco and members of the Salesian Family. Fr Romero thanked Fr Carlo Lira, former Provincial and his Council, on behalf of the Rector Major. Accompanying the new Provincial in his ministry of animation and government will be Fr Juan Bustamante, Vice-Provincial; Fr Néstor Muñoz, Provincial Economer; Fr David Rivera, Delegate for Youth Ministry; Fr Darío Navarro, Delegate for Formation; Fr Heriberto Cabrera, Councillor; Fr Osvaldo Valenzuela, Provincial Secretary. In his speech, Fr Nelson Moreno Ruiz highlighted among other things: "I invite my brothers and the entire Salesian Family to dream with audacity and courage of our educational and pastoral mission, putting all our energy and intelligence at the service of the young people we want to accompany today. Being with them in their playgrounds, desires, dreams and needs, being Christ the Good Shepherd."


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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