Russia – Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in Gatchina

26 January 2024

Gatchina, Russia – January 2024 – This year the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity was celebrated by the Salesian Catholic parish of Gatchina, with other religious confessions, for two days. On 20 January, the "second interfaith festival of religious hymns and organ music" was held in the Lutheran church of St Nicholas in Gatchina. The charity festival was jointly celebrated by Catholics, Lutherans and Orthodox in Gatchina and brought together about 80 listeners. Proceeds were divided equally for three social projects: Salesian Oratory, Orthodox Charitable Foundation for the Poor, Caring for the Elderly Parishioners of the Evangelical Lutheran Parish. The following day, 21 January, the traditional annual meeting, dedicated to the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, brought together representatives of the Catholic, Orthodox, Lutheran and Pentecostal religions.
This year the meeting took place in the Catholic parish of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and brought together about 30 Christians.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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