South Sudan – Many sports tournaments in honour of Don Bosco

23 January 2024

Gumbo, South Sudan – January 2024 – With the approach of the feast of Don Bosco, many Salesian works in South Sudan have organised sports tournaments to honour the Saint of Youth. A few days ago, in fact, in the Don Bosco mission in Gumbo, Juba, a football tournament was inaugurated involving many young people. Fr Allen, SDB, Assistant Parish Priest of St Vincent de Paul Parish, encouraged those present to maintain a spirit of sportsmanship, playing in the name of Don Bosco. Also in the Don Bosco mission in Maridi, young people gathered to play football and pay homage to St John Bosco. Fr Michael reminded them of the importance of sport, through which it is possible to reach the hearts of young people. Finally, the football tournament organised at the Don Bosco mission in Kuajok, which welcomes refugees fleeing the war, was particularly significant. By involving boys and girls, this competition sought to promote fellowship and the values of sport. The Salesian community also plans to organise many other cultural and recreational activities to encourage young people to make good use of their time and energy.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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