Argentina – The arrival of the Three Kings at the Don Bosco Oratory in Alta Gracia

09 January 2024

Alta Gracia, Argentina – January 2024 – On 6 January a large crowd gathered to accompany the Three Kings from the Don Bosco Oratory to the Estancia esplanade. The enthusiasm of the little ones was evident, gathered with their families to receive the Kings in Alta Gracia. The Salesian oratory has been in charge of this event for 82 years, working in coordination with the Municipality. Two floats accompanied the trip of the three kings, which took place from the oratory to the centre of the city, where the artists put on a show on the esplanade at the Jesuit Estate, with Christmas carols and other songs performed by tenors Luis Lima and Sebastián Spina, accompanied by dancers and guest singers. The arrival of the Three Kings is always a celebration for all citizens, families are eagerly waiting for them and the little ones are happy to receive various sweets and biscuits from their hands.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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