Brazil – Visit of the Councillor for the Missions to the Xavante and Bororo peoples

28 November 2023

(ANS – San Marcos) – After visiting the Don Bosco Museum of Cultures (Museu das Culturas Dom Bosco) and the documentation centre of indigenous peoples at Dom Bosco Catholic University in Campo Grande, Fr Alfred Maravilla, General Councillor for the Missions, visited the Salesian Missions among the Xavantes in San Marcos on 25 and 26 November 2023. It has been a visit that has given him the opportunity to listen to his confreres about the opportunities and challenges of this important work.

The culmination of his visit was the Eucharist on the feast of Christ the King, where 16 Xavante catechumens received Baptism. Subsequently, he was able to visit the Xavante community and meet with young people, adults and the various community leaders.

In the afternoon of 26 November he went to the Salesian Mission among the Bororo, in Meruri. On 27 November he presided over the Eucharist with the Salesians working among the Xavantes and the Bororo, and there he concluded his visit.

During the homily, he recalled the figure of the servants of God, Fr Rodolfo Lunkenbein and Simão Bororo, stressing that "it is important to remember not only their martyrdom, but above all the cause for which they gave their lives: so that the Bororo can live with dignity as children of God."

In greeting the Salesians in the morning, Fr Maravilla also stressed that his brief visit was intended to emphasise that "work among indigenous peoples is important for the Salesian Congregation. We have a long history in which the Salesians have given everything for indigenous peoples, promoting and preserving their language and culture, as evidenced by the Bororo Encyclopedia prepared by the Salesians and the Museum for Indigenous Cultures and the Documentation Centre at the Dom Bosco Catholic University.”

However, he insisted, "we must rethink our mission among indigenous peoples in the light of renewed missiological and ecclesiological reflections, as well as the new socio-cultural realities that indigenous peoples themselves face, such as the virtual world and the presence of indigenous youth in urban centres. All these things require courageous and prophetic options from us” he stressed.

The pilgrimage to the tombs of Fr Lunkenbein and Simão Bororo concluded his visit.

On the way to Cuiabá to take a flight to Manaus, Fr Maravilla still made a brief stop to meet the Salesians who work with the Xavante in Sangradouro and to visit some Xavante villages and meet the leaders of their communities.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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