After Mokambo, Sakania and Kipushya, Fr Owoudou visited the communities of Kasenga (170 km from Lubumbashi), Imara, Tabacongo and 'Casa Zanin'. In all these communities, he experienced the joy of being welcomed by his confreres and the young people who had gathered for this occasion which is so relevant to the life of their communities.
During the various stages of his Extraordinary Visit, there were also many fraternal meetings with the lay collaborators of each community visited. In addition, at the 'Zanin House', Fr Owoudou also met with young students from the University and other higher education institutes who benefit from the hospitality of the Salesian house.
For the governance and animation of the AFC Province, the Extraordinary Visitation that is now taking place has taken on connotations that no one could have imagined: the Regional Councillor who is leading this visit to AFC on behalf of the Rector Major is in fact the same one to whom the 10th Successor of Don Bosco entrusted the task of leading the entire congregation towards the 29th General Chapter, as the moderator. This is why the Provincial of AFC, Fr Guillermo Basañes, declared: "This is a grace and a wonderful opportunity for the province.
In fact, to better organize this mission of the Extraordinary Visitation, Fr Alphonse, in consultation with the AFC Provincial and his council, planned his Extraordinary Visitation in three phases: the first phase, from 1 to 19 October; the second phase, from 31 October to 28 November 2023; the third and final phase from 26 February 2024 to 29 March 2024.