Brazil – Beatification process opened for Bishop Campelo de Aragão, SDB

04 October 2023

(ANS – Petrolina) – A very significant moment took place for the Salesian St Aloysius Gonzaga Province, based in Recife (BRE) on Monday, 2 October 2023, in the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Christ the King in Petrolina, State of Pernambuco, Brazil: the opening of the beatification process for Bishop Antônio Campelo de Aragão (1904-1988), Salesian of Don Bosco and fourth Bishop of the Diocese of Petrolina (from 1957 to 1975).

The celebration was organised by the Sisters Mediators of Peace (Irmãs Medianeiras da Paz), a religious congregation founded in 1968 by Bishop Campelo and which, since 2019 has become the 32nd group of the Salesian Family. The Mass was celebrated by the Bishop of the Diocese of Petrolina, Francisco Canindé Palhano, with the Salesians Fr Ilmário de Souza, Fr Laércio José and the Superior of BRE, Fr Francisco Inácio, at his side as concelebrants.

Fr Laércio José wrote a message for the occasion  in which he outlined the figure of this Salesian pastor and his relationship with the city community and the diocese, which is today supporting his Cause of Beatification.

"A pastor present, with his gaze turned to the poorest, deeply involved in the reality of the time. He contributed to the development of the city of Petrolina, indeed of the entire diocese. Through the intercession of Mary Help of Christians, may he be raised to the  altars of Holy Church. Let us pray for the Sisters Mediators of Peace, who carry out a beautiful and noble mission, reaching the poorest. My feeling is one of great joy. I also took part in Bishop Campelo's burial in the Cathedral in Petrolina. (…) He is another great saint for the Salesian Family. Petrolina, moreover, is a city marked by the Salesian presence: its first bishop was also a Salesian, Antônio Maria Malan, and it was he who built the Cathedral. When he handed it over he said, “Around a great stone will be born a great nation.” It was prophetic. Today Petrolina is the third largest city in the state."

For his part, the Provincial of BRE, Fr Inácio, shared a public message addressed to Bishop Canindé Palhano and the Sisters Mediators of Peace, in which he wrote: "We Salesians of Don Bosco of Northeast Brazil, the Salesian Family, in particular the Institute of the Sisters Mediators of Peace, rejoice in the Lord and together we sing a hymn of gratitude to Jesus, the Good Shepherd of our souls, who raised up in the midst of his Church a zealous and wise, prudent and enterprising pastor, our brother Bishop Antônio Campelo de Aragão, SDB (4th Bishop of the Diocese of Petrolina - 1957-1975). In addition to his many initiatives for human, social and charitable promotion, we recognise in him above all his profound faith, a bishop son of Don Bosco who gave himself to the mission with tireless ardour, trying to do everything well, with simplicity and measure (cf. C 18)".

"From the confreres who had the opportunity to live with him" the message concludes "emerges the portrait of a consecrated man convinced and committed to the Salesian mission, with an always joyful and helpful response. May his example encourage all of us to live a high standard of Christian life, in charity towards our brothers and sisters and in the authenticity of our service to the Gospel of Christ."


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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