Venezuela - First Rectors meeting for the Salesian St Saint Luke Province
Caracas, Venezuela - September 2023 - The first Rectors meetings was held from 27 to 29 September at the headquarters of the Province of Venezuela (VEN), and was attended by 19 Salesian Rectors and several members of the Provincial Council. The meeting aimed at planning the 2023-2024 educative and pastoral year, emphasising the quality of religious life in the Salesian community. The meeting had several moments for sharing, exploring and reflecting on what God wants for each of the Salesian religious communities in the country. One of these was to explore and discuss the concluding letter of the 2023 Team Visit in Lima, Peru. The Provincial Delegate for Youth Ministry, Fr Jorge Bastidas, offered a tool for the elaboration of Community Life Projects referring to GC25 and the Salesian Ratio. The VEN Provincial, Fr Rafael Montenegro, concluded the meeting by stressing the need to continue building communities with healthy environments, trust, service, solidarity and generosity on behalf of young people, especially the poorest.