Welcomed to the rhythm of the merengue by a group of young past pupils and leaders, the Formation Delegates from the Provinces arrived at the Salesian house: from the United States West (SUO), Mexico-Guadalajara (MEG), Mexico-Mexico (MEM), Central America (CAM), Venezuela (VEN), Ecuador (ECU), Colombia-Medellín (COM), Colombia-Bogotá (cob), Peru (PER) and the Antilles (ANT).
The meeting, led by the collaborator from the Formation Sector in America, Fr Guido Errico, and the Coordinator of the Regional Commission for Formation, Fr José Antonio Santis Pinedo, began on Tuesday, 12 September, with the presentation of work by Fr Santis Pinedo and the logistics, secretarial and communication teams involved in the event.
For his part, Fr Ivo Coelho, General Councillor for Formation, connected online from Turin to offer his greetings to participants and provided some updates on the work to be carried out; he began immediately with a SWOT analysis of formation in the Provinces of the Interamerica Region, examining strengths, areas for improvement, opportunities and risks.
Later as a Salesian goodnight message, Fr Errico recalled that for Don Bosco the first place in the Oratory was the chapel, and that he ensured that young people experienced his fatherly kindness. “Don Bosco was a spiritual man who shared his bread and who gave his very being as an expression of God’s fatherhood” he said.
The formation offers at formation centres in Quito (Ecuador), Berkeley (California) and the Regional Centre for Specific Formation of the Salesian Brother (Cresco - Mexico) were presented on Wednesday 13th, and included the current challenges that the centres face. Contributions being developed for the benefit of the Provinces in relation to joint formation were also highlighted on this occasion.
The meeting ended on Saturday, 16 September in Santo Domingo.