India – Review meeting of "Youth Involve" inspires youth dreams and social entrepreneurship
Jorhat, India – September 2023 – The quarterly review meeting of "Youth Involve" was held In the idyllic setting of the Bosco Institute - Lifeplus in Jorhat on 3 and 4 September. This is an initiative aimed at realising the dreams of young people. It is an idea that came from a past pupil of the Bosco Institute who had the desire to save other young women from the situations of pain that she herself had experienced throughout her life. Thus, over the years, "Youth Involve" has fulfilled the dreams of 31 young people who now together form a community of young social entrepreneurs. During the review meetings, participants celebrate their journey and achievements, identify their challenges and devise measures to alleviate them, and reinforce themselves with the skills needed to carry out their initiatives. The meeting on 3 and 4 September was also an opportunity to pray together for the people of the State of Manipur.