Carlos, originally from Tanzania, is taking part for the first time in a World Youth Day and clearly states that for him it is a “wonderful” experience. “In addition to being my first time at a WYD, it is also my first time in Europe, it is a visit to a new continent” he adds. Carlos also believes that the meeting between people of different cultures and the meeting with the Pope will certainly have “an impact on young people”, who cannot remain indifferent to all this.
“Joy”, on the other hand, is the word that Roseira uses, also from Africa, this time from Angola, to describe this World Youth Day. As for her expectations, Roseira hopes that this WYD will leave a mark on all those who take part in it and she herself is already moved by a missionary spirit: “I hope that this Day will be really incisive for us young people, so that, as soon as we leave here, we can bear witness to the love of Christ, lived and shared with all our brothers and sisters.”
Mayra, from Cape Verde, reports that her participation in the WYD in Lisbon is an opportunity for her to meet new people from different places, but also as a way to decide whether to continue her studies in Portugal.
And like Carlos, Roseira and Mayra there are hundreds of thousands of young pilgrims who, as the Pope said during the welcoming ceremony, are not there by chance, but have been “called”, and who continue over these days of enthusiasm and joy, firm in their faith and on the journey.