Fr Savio Silveira, the Provincial, met only the delegates and spoke to them at quite some length. His emphatic address began by placing Don Bosco as a model of zeal in communication despite his busy schedule. Fr Silveira encouraged the delegates to be the yeast in their local communities, encouraging a transformation in the sector, focusing on using media for ministry. He then placed a five-fold programme before the delegates, thereby leaving no room for doubt that the province is focusing on the social communication sector for this academic year. The session with the Provincial ended with the delegates suggesting possible avenues that could be explored in order to revitalise social communications in the province.
After a short break, the delegates and the BIS Correspondents, gathered for some training sessions in matters related to publishing news reports. Br Aliester D’Souza, Province Delegate for Social Communication, conducted a brief session stressing the important points of reporting. It was followed by an intensive session by Mr Neil D’Souza, explaining the use of AI tools in order to make tasks simpler. He also spoke of designing applications that could help the social communications team in the local communities.
Post-lunch, the delegates and correspondents were given a simple demonstration on the necessity of impactful visuals in order to communicate effectively. Mr Joy Fernandes, through the session, spoke of the importance of the ability to tell a story through visuals - photographs or videos. He then proceeded to explain the best way to capture photos through the smartphone.
Br D’Souza summed up the day’s programme by thanking the delegates and correspondents for their presence despite the rains. He summarised the various sessions and the need for good journalism in reporting news to the province. Overall, it was a learning experience for all present.
Br Aliester D’Souza