Slovakia – For the first time in Slovakia a lay person will be responsible for Salesian missions

12 July 2023

(ANS – Bratislava) – From the beginning of July 2023, Jan Rešutík, a layman who for many years has collaborated in various ways with the Mary Help of Christians Salesian Province of Slovakia (SLK), will be responsible for the missions of Salesians operating in developing countries. Historically this role was always attributed to a Salesian religious – priest or brother.

But, “thanks to the synodal process currently underway in the Church, the task of lay collaborators is discussed more intensively. For us Salesians, collaboration with the laity is deeply rooted in our charism. All the Salesian centres in Slovakia function thanks to the long-standing collaboration between religious and lay people. It is therefore a natural continuation of the previous practice and its deepening”, explains Fr Peter Timko, Salesian Provincial in Slovakia.

Several other Salesian Provinces around the world also have this experience of cooperation with the laity, where the lay faithful have held higher leadership positions for many years.

In the case of Jan Rešutík in Slovakia, he will deal with the strategic management of the mission area, and at the same time with the civil affairs management of the SAVIO NGO, dedicated to development cooperation.

Being a missionary for us Salesians means accepting the values of nations, sharing their anxieties and joys and thus proclaiming the living Christ. And this happens through all the humanitarian and educational activities that contribute to improving the quality of life of young people in developing countries. The person leading this area must be proficient in languages, have management skills and be able to communicate well with different partners. That is why we decided to appoint Ján, and I am very happy that he accepted” adds Fr Timko.

Since 2007 Ján Rešutík has worked, for various periods, with various positions and in managerial positions in the SAVIO non-profit organisation which is responsible for supporting children and young people in developing countries or in war. In 2021, he and his entire family spent 4 months in Kenya, where as an expert volunteer, he helped educate workers at the Bosco Boys Centre in Nairobi.

“In nonprofit organisations there is often a lack of a managerial perspective that sets and initiates efficient operation, which is important for contributing to the sustainability and long-term continuity of projects. For this reason I would like to bring my previous experience in this setting to my work ”, says Mr Rešutík, who after studying philosophy at the Pontifical University of Nave, has expanded his training to include the field of social work at the University of St Elisabeth; he has worked as a data-analyst in a multinational company and since 2018 he has developed his competence in customer relationship management (CRM) and as a database specialist in the non-profit sector.

For this position as Delegate, both his knowledge of the functioning of the Congregation and the SLK Province, as well as his experience in the non-profit sector count. He admits that this change can bring several new situations, as this is a novelty for the Slovak Salesian environment. “We believe this combination can bring many benefits to both the people we care for, as well as the people who want to help others through us. The reinforcement of best practices based on principles, combined with the Salesian experience gained outside the ecclesial world, can bring even more quality and added value to this work”, concludes the new head of the Salesian missions in SLK, who in his service alongside the Salesians has often already used his professional experiences for successful fundraising campaigns, and who has also worked as a consultant for other non-profit organisations.

SLK's Salesians are currently active in eight countries, with nine projects bringing aid to thousands of children. “It is really a great achievement to work with many different people,” said the Delegate for Missions, Mr. Rešutík.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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