Ecuador – Rectors Meeting and assembly of Salesians and laity in the Sacred Heart of Jesus Province

11 July 2023

Quito, Ecuador – July 2023 - The Santa María de Crucita House was the venue chosen for the Rectors Meeting (4 and 5 July) and the Assembly of Salesians and Laity (6 and 7 July). Both meetings aimed to contribute to the updating of the Overall Provincial Plan (OPP) in the light of the concluding letter of the Rector Major's Extraordinary Visitation, the contributions of the Provincial Chapter and the contributions of the communities during visits to the houses, to respond to what God, Don Bosco and the young people are asking of the Salesians in Ecuador. During the four days, the macro-guidelines of the OPP that will guide the path of the Province in the coming years were reviewed. Contributions that will contribute to strengthening the provincial community and charismatic identity were gathered through group work and socialisation in the plenary sessions. Both meetings were animated and accompanied by Fr Marcelo Farfán, Provincial of ECU.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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