Italy – Feast of Gratitude 2023 around Fr Á.F. Artime

26 June 2023

(ANS – Turin) – The Salesian Family recalls St John Bosco's name day and the origins of the Feast of Gratitude at  Valdocco Oratory on 24 June, the feast of St John the Baptist  – since, as it is narrated in the Biographical Memoirs, for the boys "the feast of St. John the Baptist was a special occasion to demonstrate their feelings." This year's celebration was inevitably affected by the news of the death of the Rector Major's mother, Isabel Artime Garcia, but it was nevertheless celebrated modestly, to express the gratitude of the entire Salesian Family (SF) towards its Centre of unity.

In introducing the day, which saw the involvement of Salesians from various communities in Turin – led by the Superior of the Piedmont and Valle d 'Aosta Circumscription, Fr Leonardo Mancini – as well as the various Salesians at Salesian Headquarters, the Vicar of the Rector Major, Fr Stefano Martoglio, stressed the value of the celebration: both as an element of continuity and bond of tradition that takes us back to the origins of the charism, and as an occasion of gratitude which reinforces the unity of the entire SF around the Successor of Don Bosco.

The high point of the day, as usual, was the Mass celebrated by the Rector Major. In his homily he intertwined three guidelines: the figure of St John the Baptist, the tradition of the feast of thanksgiving, and Salesian circumstances today. Regarding John the Baptist, the Rector Major left aside any secondary aspect linked to his traditional image to get to the core of his mission: “The proclamation of the Lord Jesus. He lived to prepare others for the encounter with the Messiah.” A model, that of the Precursor of Jesus, which – he observed – “is valid as an excellent program of youth ministry, diocesan pastoral care, parish pastoral care… of pastoral care in general.”

Regarding Don Bosco and his feast, the Rector Major stressed the tenderness of the image of those first boys, students and past pupils of the Oratory at Valdocco, who felt the need to thank the one who was “a father” for them. From this relationship of real and continuous closeness between the hearts of Don Bosco and those of the young, he drew the shared responsibility of the young people themselves in the birth and then the development of the Congregation, first, and then of the Salesian Family. “People will never remember how good we were at running this school, or college, or home… they will remember the heart, if they felt loved.”

Finally, he thanked everyone for the affection and prayers in his regard, especially on this occasion of celebration, but extended thanks to all his confreres, to the members of the SF and the lay colleagues who carry out Don Bosco's mission with him. Then, he concluded by reminding everyone of the secret of Salesian life: “At the centre there is God and the Lord Jesus, at the centre there is service and life as a gift.”

Only at the end of the Mass did Fr Á.F. Artime pass on to all those present the news of the death of his mother, which he had learned about during the morning. With great dignity, and at the same time opening his heart to his confreres and friends, he confided that from that moment he felt he was an orphan, and then thanked people already in advance for all the manifestations of attention and affection, and even more for the prayers offered on her behalf.

The previously prepared fraternal programme then continued  in a measured and balanced way due to the circumstances. Fr Guido Errico, from the Formation Sector, presented the programme of activities in the Sangalli hall at Valdocco.

Fr Martoglio, for his part, spoke to Fr Á.F. Artime in brotherly tones, assuring him of his personal closeness and that of all the confreres around the world.

The video of homage to the Successor of Don Bosco, “Caro Rettor Maggiore”, was then screened, followed by the delivery of some tributes to him: from the community of Valdocco, from Salesian Headquarters, as well as from the Past Pupils of Don Bosco – the first initiators of this beautiful tradition of 24 June. On this occasion Bryan Magro, President of the World Confederation of the Past Pupils of Don Bosco, gave the Rector Major a painting of the Pakistani Past Pupil and Servant of God Akash Bashir, promising at the same time the enduring loyalty of all Past Pupils around the world.

After this, several Salesians from Salesian Headquarters were honoured by the Rector Major for their proven Salesian fidelity:

–       Fr Sanjay Aind and Bro Dun Nam Nguyen, for the 25th year of their profession;

–       Fr José Antenor Velho, for the 60th anniversary of his profession;

–       Fr Luigi Fedrizzi, for the 65th anniversary of profession;

–       Fr Hilário Passero for the 75th anniversary of his profession;

–       Fr Juan Marciano Olivares Mayorga for the 60th anniversary of ordination;

–       and Fr Elio Torregiani for the 75th anniversary of his profession and the 65th anniversary of his ordination.

Before concluding, the 10 newly appointed Provincials who arrived in Turin for their orientation and formation course, renewed, on behalf of all, their condolences to the Rector Major, and then sang uthe hymn to Don Bosco in his honour.

The day ended, finally, with a community time of agape and fraternity.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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