Brazil – Meeting of Provincial Delegates for Missionary Animation from the America South Cone Region

19 June 2023

(ANS– Porto Alegre) – The meeting of Provincial Delegates for Missionary Animation (DIAM) from the America South Cone Region was held in Porto Alegre from 14 to 17 June 2023.

The meeting began with a welcome from Fr Sergio Ramos de Souza, Regional Coordinator for Missionary Animation for the America South Cone Region, and continued with the introductory message, sent online, by the General Councillor for Missions, Fr Alfred Maravilla and his collaborators in the Mission Sector, Fr Reginaldo Cordeiro and layman Marco Fulgaro.

Several topics were discussed during the four days of work: missionary spirituality; the figure and tasks of the DIAM; the intercultural dimension of mission; the missionary dimension of Salesian Youth Ministry; the preparation for the 150th anniversary of the first Salesian Mission Expedition, scheduled for 2025;  Salesian Missionary Volunteering.

In addition to these topics of interest to the DIAMs, some topics regarding the specific missionary journey of the America South Cone Region and communication from the Missions Sector of the Congregation were also discussed.

The meeting was attended by

–       Fr Peter Nguyen Anh Duy, DIAM for Paraguay (PAR);

–       Fr Francisco José Chimento, DIAM for the Province of Argentina South (ARS);

–       Fr José Adrián García, DIAM per Uruguay (URU);

–       Fr Walberto Giordano Santos Silva, DIAM for the Province of Brazil-Belo Horizionte (BBH);

–       Fr Aldir da Silva, DIAM for the Province of Brasil-Campo Grande (BCG);

–       Fr Raimundo Luan Hadney de Luna Gonçalo, DIAM for the Province of Brazil-Recife (BRE);

–       Fr Rafael Galvão Barbosa, DIAM for the Province of Brazil-San Paolo (BSP);

–       Fr Wellington Abreu, DIAM for the Province of Brazil-Manaus;

–       and Fr Sérgio Ramos de Souza, DIAM for the Province of Brazil-Porto Alegre (BPA).

The regional meeting was an important moment of animation, reflection and sharing of missionary experiences by the 9 Provinces represented.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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