Italy – Spirituality, animation, government, sharing and fraternity: all the elements of the 2023 General Council’s summer plenary session

16 June 2023

(ANS – Turin) – After the Retreat held at the Monte Calvario Rosminian house in Domodossola, the General Council’s summer plenary session is officially underway. The opening of the session with a marked time of recollection and spirituality, as explained by the Vicar of the Rector Major, Fr Stefano Martoglio, served to prepare for the intense days of service in the worldwide animation and governance of the Congregation to which the Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, and his Council are now called.

After returning to Valdocco on the evening of Thursday 8 June 2023, the General Council members are busy in the first days of actual work (12-23 June)  accompanying the newly appointed Provincials who arrived in Valdocco for the orientation course dedicated to them.

A special moment, as always, will take place on Saturday, 24 June for the “Feast of Gratitude to the Rector Major”.

Within the framework of the session, the work programme includes a number of tasks.

First, the appointment of Superiors of seven Salesian Provinces:

–       United States East (SUE);

–       East Africa (AFE);

–       Brazil-San Paolo (BSP);

–       Uruguay (URU);

–       Chile (CIL);

–       Australia (AUL);

–       Brazil-Manaus (BMA).

Then there will be a study of the reports on the Extraordinary Visitations carried out in recent months:

 – Chile (CIL), by Fr Gabriel Romero, Regional Councillor for America South Cone;
 – the Antilles (ANT), by Fr Hugo Orozco, Regional Councillor for Interamerica;
 – the Province of Italy-North-East (INE), by Fr Juan Carlos Pérez Godoy, Regional Councillor for The Mediterranean;
 – the Province of India-Guwahati (ING), by Fr George Chalissery;
 – Germany (GER), by Fr Roman Jachimowicz, Regional Councillor for Central and Northern Europe;
 –  the Province of India-Shillong (INS), by Fr Biju Michael, Regional Councillor for South Asia;
 –  Japan (GIA), by Fr Joseph Nguyen Thinh Phuoc, Regional Councillor for East Asia - Oceania;
 –  the Vice-Province of Southern Africa (AFM), by Fr Alphonse Owoudou, Regional Councillor for Africa-Madagascar Region;
 – the Vice-Province of Madagascar (MDG), again by Fr Alphonse Owoudou;
 – Argentina North (ARN), by Fr Gianni Rolandi.

A good part of the time will be dedicated to sharing work carried out by the various Sectors: Formation will present updates on the text of the Ratio Fundamentalis; Youth Ministry will illustrate initiatives for the Bicentennial of the Dream at 9 years of age; Social Communication, topics and updates inherent to the work of this Sector; Missions will indicate the distribution of the funds collected by Mission Offices, as well as the destination of new missionaries; the Economer General will provide the 2022 Final Balance sheet; the Vicar of the Rector Major will offer an interpretation of some statistics.

Further topics of study will include the mid-term review of the service of animation and governance; and conclusions from the Team Visits already carried out: South Asia, America South Cone, Interamerica and North Central Europe.

Finally, another special feature of the General Council’s 2023 summer plenary session should be noted: four days of fellowship and rest that the Rector Major and his Councillors will spend together in the Salesian house at Cogne, in the Valle d’Aosta, from 30 June to 3 July: a further recharging and team building opportunity outside the numerous and always busy assignments that Fr Á.F. Artime and his prime collaborators will be engaged in.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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