Spain – 31st meeting of young athletes

06 June 2023

Arévalo, Spain - 3 June 2023 - About 1,300 children and teenagers from 14 Salesian houses, accompanied by countless families, coaches and educators, participated in the 31st meeting of young athletes in the St James and Great Province in Spain (SSM). The meeting began at 9:40 with a greeting by Fr Fernando García Sánchez, SSM Provincial, and a prayer. At 10:00 am the fields and pitches came to life for the first competitions of the tournaments: football, 7-a-side football, indoor football, volleyball and basketball were the sports involving around 100 teams, in an atmosphere of healthy rivalry and "fair play". And to make the day even more wonderful, the possibility for the youngsters to take advantage of the pool, in turns. The event ended at 6:30 pm with a brief thought from Fr Xabier Camino, Provincial Delegate for Youth Ministry, and the distribution of prizes to the winners.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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