Chennai, India – May 2023 - The Salesian Province of St. Thomas the Apostle, Chennai (INM), India is overwhelmed with joy and gratitude to God, Mary Help of Christians, and St. John Bosco for the gift of young Salesians to the Province. On 24th May, 15 novices made their First Profession during the solemn Eucharistic celebration at Idaya Deepam Novitiate, Yellagiri Hills. Among the 15 novices, 8 professed for Chennai Province, and 7 professed for Tiruchy Province. The Christian family is considered to be the cradle of vocation to consecrated life and, as Pope Francis would say, 'All vocations make their first steps in the family'. The province is also indebted to God for the 7 clerics who offered themselves totally to God and to the Salesian Congregation. This auspicious event of Perpetual Profession was organized in two different places. Five clerics made their Final vows at Don Bosco Tirupattur, at 10 a.m. (during which a cleric, belonging to the Vice-Province of Sri Lanka-LKC, also made his Final Profession), and two other clerics at St. Bede's, Santhome, Chennai, at 6 p.m. Fr. Don Bosco, the new Provincial of Chennai, received their vows and accepted them in the band of perpetually professed members of our Congregation. Both events were prayerful and solemnized with the presence of the Salesians, Salesian family members, religious, family members of newly professed, and a good number of lay faithful. We are grateful to all the formators of the past and present who accompanied these young men to follow Jesus in Don Bosco's way.
ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.