After the morning began with Morning Prayer celebrated together, members then went on to the last of the small mixed group work sessions, which was followed by the final session.
In this phase, the suggestions made by the different groups were presented at the assembly, both for the theme of the Rector Major's 2024 Strenna and for proposals for the Salesian Family Secretariat.
Fr Joan Lluís Playà, the Rector Major's Central Delegate for the Salesian Family Secretariat, then took the floor, offering details of the upcoming International Congress of Mary Help of Christians that will take place from 29 August 29 to 1 September 2024 in Fatima.
Another important phase was the sharing of work and projects of common interest to the various groups. Fr Harris Pakkam, Director of the Don Bosco Global Youth Film Festival presented the second edition of the world-level Salesian youth film festival to all participants, reminding them that it will take place throughout the world from 13-14 October 2023, based on the theme “Love builds peace and solidarity” and that it is an excellent opportunity to involve young people and religious in a joint effort of creativity and commitment on behalf of gospel values.
Fr Pierluigi Cameroni, Postulator General for the Causes of Saints of the SF, then spoke, outlining the activities and significance of the next seminar for the promotion of causes of beatification and canonisation in the SF, scheduled for September 2023.
Finally, Sister Leslie Sandigo, General Councilllor for the SF of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA), presented a formation and in-depth course on Mary Help of Christians, which will be led by her Institute and will start next September under the title: “Mary Mother and educator in the Salesian Family”.
In conclusion, the Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, took the floor. He reminded his listeners that he had encountered pretty much all of the Salesian Family Groups and their activities during his trips. He then insisted on the true meaning of a meeting such as this meeting of the World Advisory Council: “It is common in families to meet not just to plan and project, but to celebrate life… and so it is for us: to live and move ahead alone is not part of the Church's life, nor of the Salesian spirit. The great value we have is our witness of fellowship, communion, listening to the Holy Spirit.”
As their final act together, all participants in the SF World Advisory Council joinedin a common Eucharist in the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians with the Rector Major himself as the main celebrant. Among other things in his homily, he did not fail to recall the importance of the preferential option for the most needy young people as a priority mission, and, on the eve of the Feast of Mary Help of Christians, he stressed Mary's role as “Mother of the Salesian Family”.
Some of the Major Superiors and World Coordinators – or their delegates – of the various SF groups were also able to extend their stay in Turin at the end of their work, and from the afternoon of Tuesday 23 May they joined in in the atmosphere of festive Salesian joy that permeates the district of Valdocco for the Feast of Mary Help of Christians.
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