In these types of studies, young people learn English in an immersive form: they think and work in English, participate in advanced courses in English, communicate daily with native teachers, and also communicate with other students in English. Everything they read, write, say, and hear in the various subjects is in English from day one.
Moreover, they learn to use new technologies through the mastery of digital skills, because the courses take place 100 percent online, and they gain personal autonomy: the student acquires a high level of autonomy, learns to manage time, and achieves greater adaptability to working in diverse and multicultural environments. It is a path that requires commitment and sacrifice.
Some of those responsible for these educational pathways in the different Salesian schools explained the reasons for this offering and what it entails for the students and for the schools themselves.
Vicente Toro Romera, Pedagogical Director of the Secondary School and Baccalaureate at the "Loyola Aranjuez" center, explains, "The Dual American Baccalaureate experience, in our case, offers a possibility that we don't always address: taking care of those students who want to expand their language proficiency through a serious, regulated program leading to an official degree. We often focus on those who need us most, but not so much on those who need other aspects. And that is what such a program offers, developing not only language skills, but also digital and personal skills."
It is not, in fact, an option for everyone. Agustín Urretabizkaia, of the Salesian center in Urnieta, says that "the appropriate profile is that of a student who is constantly working and above all who is motivated to progress in learning English."
Keeping this profile in mind, from the Salesian perspective, some centers are looking for ways to enable young people who have the skills to do so, but few financial resources, to opt for it.
The Salesians of Barcelona-Sarrià have clear ideas in this regard, as explained by Francisco Álamo, Director of the school: "The International Baccalaureate from us answers our aim as an international Salesian school, and it is a challenge of pedagogical renewal. We want to bring this method to all those students who, in other centers, could not access this type of study due to elevated costs. Young people with a curious, reflective and supportive student profile can access this bachelor's degree at the lowest possible cost for their families, while maintaining the quality that characterizes us and working in depth on the educational project of the Salesian school."
And if, naturally, the curricula are marked by collaboration with American schools, in the American Dual Baccalaureate, or with European institutes, in the International Baccalaureate, Salesian centers always maintain the imprint of the Preventive System, as in the case of the American Dual Baccalaureate of the "María Auxiliadora" work in Salamanca: "The quality of our proposal is present in several aspects," explains Guillermo Bermejo, Pedagogical Director of the school. First, the company we work with has a proven track record and solidity. Because of this, our students are well referred and followed in their 'American High School.' But in our opinion, they get the extra quality because of the accompaniment provided. They have a tutor who regularly works with them, resolves their doubts, motivates them, informs their families, etc. I think our tutor's work is proving to be crucial to the success of our program."
For schools, the International Baccalaureate is a springboard to internationalization. Emilio García, Pedagogical Director of the High School and Baccalaureate at El Pilar School in Soto del Real, near Madrid, points out, "Education is changing a lot. The American Baccalaureate makes it easier to study at a university in the United States. It is a merit option in addition to scholarships at private universities in Spain or abroad. It is a good way to start obtaining a resume of official qualifications, in addition to the education received, which is also an official education."
Those in charge of this program from the Salesians in Zaragoza agree: "For the students it is a very motivating incentive: they improve their English, they become more autonomous in their studies, they learn new study techniques, and at the end of their studies they get a double degree, which enriches their curriculum," they say.
In short, according to all, it is a plus of prestige and quality for the center, because it helps create the image of a center open to new tasks and challenges in education.