Italy - Formedil and Salesians for Social APS: protocol signed to counter marginalization of most vulnerable and give them a future

19 May 2023

(ANS - Rome) - "Formedil," a national joint body for education, safety, and labor services in the construction sector, with its network of 121 territorial bodies, and "Salesians for the Social APS," a nonprofit body of the Salesians in Italy, which coordinates 88 associations nationwide for activities to counter youth marginalization and hardship, have signed a memorandum of understanding for the design and management of initiatives to foster the acquisition of skills in vulnerable individuals for the start-up of trades in the construction sector, with particular reference to the migrant and refugee population, by promoting sustainable social and labor inclusion.

The territorial network of Salesians for the Social shall provide socio-cultural, family, and educational support to promote the sustainability of labor inclusion paths, including actions to develop language skills and skills analysis.

To activate social- and work-related pathways, Formedil is committed to facilitating the exchange of contacts between its entities and the Salesian territorial centers for Social.

"This is a protocol that will help us give future and hope to many young people, especially migrants and refugees, with training and the possibility of employment. Salesians for the Social is committed to welcoming migrants and refugees, but our system, just as Don Bosco did in the Turin of the 1800s, is not limited to offering a safe place to live, but thinks about the future, work, and dignity of these young people," says Fr. Francesco Preite, president of Salesians for the Social.

For Formedil President Elena Lovera, "the protocol signed with the 'Salesians for the Social' is an important tool that will allow our institutions to give an answer to the sector's demands for figures with high professionalism." "The protocol," adds Vice President Francesco Sannino, "will contribute to the integration and social development of the most vulnerable groups, thus countering phenomena of exclusion and social marginalization."

‘Salesians for the Social’ operates throughout the country as a network made up of foster homes, welcome communities, daycare centers, and other services, inspired by the Don Bosco educational method; it comprises 88 organizations (ordinary members) diversified into ecclesiastical bodies, voluntary organizations, associations and social cooperatives present throughout the country.

FORMEDIL is the national body for training, safety, and labor services in construction under a network of 121 territorial bodies called "Building Schools/Unified Bodies/CPT."


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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