India - 7th South Asian Regional Congress of Salesian Cooperators in Bangalore

27 February 2023

The Seventh South Asian Regional Congress of Salesian Cooperators, jointly hosted by SDBs and FMAs of Bangalore Provinces, was held at National Biblical Catechetical and Liturgical Centre (NBCLC), Bangalore, on February 18 and 19, 2023. “To Be the Yeast in Today’s Human Family: The Role of the Salesian Cooperators” was the theme of the Congress in the present context of Strenna 2023, Synod 2021-2024 and Laity in the Salesian Family. One hundred and forty participants from 11 provinces in South Asia attended the Congress. The Keynote address by Father Gilbert Choondal SDB, on the theme, set the tone for reflection linking Strenna 2023 and Synod 2021-2024 to explore the possibilities of identity and role of a Salesian Cooperator. Mr Antuvan, the World Councillor, gave an overview of the Regional Congress. The World Coordinator, Mr Antonio, Bro Dominic, SDB Delegate, Sr. Lucrecia, FMA Delegate (Rome), Mr TK Devassia, the Regional Formator, Fr. Joseph Manipadam, the SPCSA delegate and Fr. Noel Madichetty, the former delegate of Salesian Family, reflected on the various perspectives on the theme.

The highlight of the Congress was the election of the new world Councillor, Mr TK Devassia, from the province of Bangalore. The outgoing World Councillor, Mr Antuvan, was thanked, and the New World Councillor welcomed with the shawl, garland and Mysore Petta. During the Mass on the 18th, the World Councillor received the promise of ten candidates from the province of Bangalore. The Cultural Tea Party, where the participants shared the local foodstuff and articles from the Provinces, and a half-day visit to the city were the other highlights of the Congress. The participants were given a Coffee Table Book on the origin and evolution of Salesian Cooperators as a memento. Father Gilbert SDB, the local coordinator of the Regional Congress, thanked the participants.

The World Coordinator, Mr Antonio’s wife Olivia (Cooperator), Fr. Joan Playa SDB, the delegate of the Salesian Family, Fr. Joseph Manipadam SDB, the South Asian Delegate of Salesian Cooperators and Fr. Joseph Pauria SDB, Provincial Delegate of Salesian Family at SPCSA were present for the occasion. Hosting provincials, Fr. Jose Koyickal SDB and Sr. Lucy Rose FMA honoured the dignitaries in the traditional way of Karnataka with a shawl, garland and Mysore Petta.
Fr Gilbert Choondal SDB


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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