Spain - Salesian Province "Mary Help of Christians" continues its commitment to formation in Salesian spirituality

21 February 2023

Godelleta, Spain - February 2023 - From February 6 to 10, the Salesian house in Godelleta hosted the first part of the Salesian spirituality course organized by the Delegation for Shared Charism and Mission, in which 30 educators from different houses and institutions of the Salesian Province of Spain-Mary Help of Christians (SMX) participated. The course aims to offer the participants a formative experience that will help them deepen their understanding of Don Bosco's spiritual and pedagogical dimension as an ever-present element of renewal in Salesian educational action. To this end, the Delegation organized this training program in two parts: a first week of theoretical training on Salesianity, which took place in February, and a second week involving a pilgrimage to Salesian Places, which will be held in July. At this first meeting several speakers offered their views on the figure of Don Bosco, and on the first two days, the historical study of his figure, along with the Preventive System, was illustrated and discussed. The third day aimed to provide participants with a synthetic view of Salesian spirituality, while the fourth was devoted to a sociological approach to young people, during the morning, and a presentation on personal accompaniment, in the afternoon. The last day concluded with an overview of the Salesian Youth Ministry and the Congregation in general.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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