India – Inauguration of new building at Bosco Pnar

20 February 2023

(ANS – Jowai) – 15 February 2023 set another milestone in the Province of Shillong, particularly in the chronicle of Bosco Pnar as it got its new building inaugurated. Present on this auspicious occasion were Fr. Ferdinand Dkhar, the Diocesan Administrator of Jowai, Fr. Paul O Lyngkot, the Salesian Provincial of the Province, Fr. James Thyrniang, Economer, Fr. Simeon Sungoh of Jowai Diocese, Fr. Francesco Dhar, Director of Bosco Pnar, Fr. Donbor Jyrwa, the Manager of Bosco Pnar, Fr. Genesius Wanniang, the Executive Director of BIDS – the Province Development Office, together with some Salesians from Jowai as well as Shillong region, Salesian Sisters and Saleisan Family members from the Jaintia region, staffs and students of Bosco Pnar, and other collaborators including the contractor Bah Mawthoh, architect Kong Inaliza Nongbyrsaw.

Welcoming the gathering, Director Fr. Francesco acknowledged those who had the dream for the future of the Pnar, beginning with the late Fr. Turgo Ugo till the present superiors to make Bosco Pnar a shining beacon for Jaintia Hills. Fr. Genesius Wanniang, the Executive Director of the PDO, invited the crowd to work for quality and maintain quantity for the future of the people in that region. Diocesan Administrator Fr. Ferdinand Dkhar lauded the works of the pioneers and also of the Salesians in the region, while terming ‘Bosco Pnar’ a blessings to the people of the region; he also thanked the Salesians for the 100 years of service rendered to the region.  

After the building was blessed and inaugurated, Salesian Provincial Fr. Paul O Lyngkot addressed the gathering by reminding them that the ‘Dream’ has turned into reality. He thanked all those who were instrumental in making the dream into a reality and invited the young to equip themselves with vocational training for job surety. 

In a program that lasted over an hour and half, the event was made grander with beautiful dances, songs, and other programs from the students of Bosco Pnar. Salesian Brother Lambert proposed the vote of thanks before a hymn to Don Bosco and the concluding prayer led by Fr. James the Economer concluded the memorable program.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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