Italy – On centenary of birth of Vera Grita, mystic of Eucharist, interview with Maria Rita Scrimieri

11 January 2023

(ANS - Rome) - In view of the centenary of the birth of the Servant of God Vera Grita, layperson, Salesian Cooperator, born on January 28, 1923, the "Opera dei Tabernacoli Viventi" (OTV) Study Center, the Conference of Salesian Provinces of Italy (CISI), and the Salesian Cooperators are offering an online interview with Maria Rita Scrimieri, Coordinator of the "OTV" Study Center. The interview shall be broadcast live on Saturday, January 21, 2023, from 9 to 10 a.m. (UTC+1), on the ANS YouTube channel and Facebook page, and will be conducted by Fr. Pierluigi Cameroni, Postulator General of the Causes of the Saints of the Salesian Family; conducted in Italian, there shall be translations in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese.

The Rector Major in his Strenna for 2023, titled "AS THE YEAST IN TODAY'S HUMAN FAMILY. The Lay Dimension in the Family of Don Bosco", explores the lay dimension of the Salesian charism and mentions four exemplary figures in particular: Mamma Margaret, Bartolomé Blanco Màrquez, Attilio Giordani, and Vera Grita.

In his presentation of Vera Grita, "Salesian Cooperator and teacher, an instrument of a mystical Work that commits every Christian to make the grace of the Eucharist bear fruit," he states specifically, "Vera Grita attests first of all to a totalizing Eucharistic orientation, which became explicit, especially in the last years of her existence. She did not think in terms of programs, apostolic initiatives, projects: she embraced the fundamental 'project' that is Jesus himself, to the point of making it the life of her own life. Today's world attests to a great need for the Eucharist. Her journey in the laborious busyness of the days also offers a new lay perspective to sanctity, becoming an example of conversion, acceptance, and sanctification for the 'poor,' the 'frail,' the 'sick' who can recognize themselves and rediscover hope in her."

To watch the interview with Maria Rita Scrimieri, connect to the ANS Facebook page and YouTube channel, where it will remain available for viewing.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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