There are currently 79 companies certified as carbon neutral in Colombia, including 17 in Antioquia. Today "Ciudad Don Bosco" is one of them, and is the first Salesian organization in the world to achieve this recognition.
"Our Salesian work has been awarded the gold seal for its practices, such as implementing renewable energy that reduces electricity consumption, planting more than 3,000 trees of native species, incorporating the circular economy and waste management," staff from Ciudad Don Bosco says. "These are institutional dynamics that focus on caring for the common home and sustainable work development through innovation. These are actions aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals."
But what is meant by "carbon footprint"? This expression refers to a measure that expresses the total greenhouse gas emissions, usually expressed in tons of CO2 equivalent, associated directly or indirectly with a product, service, or Organization.
This recognition program was created in 2017 with the aim of encouraging companies to work with a greater commitment to local sustainability. In this way, the work of companies that promote social stewardship, efficient use of natural resources, good practices related to sustainable production and consumption, and pollution prevention is enhanced.