"We are called to be witnesses of the Gospel, and to live it radically." "Witnesses not of radicalism but of the Gospel, to be lived with joy ... we are disciples of Jesus in the footsteps of Don Bosco," Fr Cereda said. He also stressed that Salesians are called to be mystics, prophets and servants and that Don Bosco’s mysticism means union with God. This must never be forgotten but must be rediscovered through meditation.
The Vicar of the Rector Major thanked everyone present for the good education being offered to young people, urging them always to keep an animating presence among the young and a missionary heart. In the words of the Rector Major: "our alliance is not with the powerful but with the poor."
Fr Cereda then celebrated the Eucharist at the temple of "Gratitud Nacional". He thanked all the confreres, starting with the Provincial, Fr Lorenzelli, and he mentioned three gifts he had received from God during this trip and thanked God for them. The three gifts are:
- All the things he had seen that derive from the Salesian charism.
- The Rector Major, who entrusted him with this visit as a sign of his closeness.
- Being able to participate in the centenary of the death of Msgr. José Fagnano. He had got to know some steps of his life as a missionary in the land of Magallanes and as a staunch defender of the aboriginal peoples of Patagonia, in fulfilment of a dream of Don Bosco.
Finally, Fr Cereda invited the Salesians to cultivate and strengthen the work for vocations among young people and the vocation of the Salesian brother.