India - Salesian program's annual seminar for youth at risk

05 December 2022

Hyderabad, India - November 2022 - Don Bosco National Forum for the Young at Risk (YaR) held its annual seminar and Annual General Meeting on November 30 and December 01, 2022, at Don Bosco Provincial House, Hyderabad. The Forum discussed the theme ‘Accompanying the 18+ Young at Risk, Loving Care- the Don Bosco Way.’ Padma Shri Shanta Sinha, Indian Social Activist and the First Chairperson of NCPCR, in her keynote address, drew a parallel between a plant and a child in need. She emphasized that a child needs to be nurtured and accompanied until the child gets deeply rooted in society to begin to grow. After day-long presentations and discussions, the Forum drew up a Don Bosco model for the aftercare programme. Retired IPS and UPSC panel member Mrs Aruna Bahuguna concluded the seminar by exhorting Salesians to record all the good they do and maintain the data in compliance with the changing legislations of the Government. Father Thomas Santiagu, Provincial SPCI YaR Incharge, Father Tony Pellissery, DB YaR Forum Executive Director, Mr Sony George and Mr David Raj (UNICEF) participated in the annual national event. On this occasion, the Salesian Province of St. Joseph, Hyderabad, commemorated the first YaR initiative by Late Father Chinnappa Thomas SDB 50 years ago – rescuing a boy named Gopala Krishnan from Guntur Railway Station in the year 1972. A colourful and thought-provoking cultural programme was organized in honour of this great Salesian.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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