The event began in the Church of Mary Help of Christians with a greeting from the SLO Provincial, Fr. Marko Košnik, SDB. Participants included the pilgrims and the faithful, members of the Salesian Family, employees and collaborators in the Salesian mission, friends of Don Bosco, and guests from Italy, Austria, Croatia, and Slovakia; also present, the Rector Major's representative, the Councilor for the Central and Northern European Region, Fr. Roman Jachimowicz, SDB, who wished the Slovenian Province every success and further development in the future: "Even in the very rich Europe, poverty is spreading, and our charism works well here also."
In the opening prayer, the entire Salesian Family shared in the joy of Rem Marič from Rakovnik and Jana Hočevar from Kodeljevo, who pronounced their promises and thus became Salesian Cooperators. Welcoming them was Ms. Blažka Merkac, Provincial Coordinator of the Salesian Cooperators of Slovenia, as well as Regional Coordinator for Central and Northern Europe and on the association’s World Council.
This was followed by an interesting presentation on the development and organization of the Salesian charism on Slovenian soil among emigrants, in the diaspora, and in the missions, given by Fr. Bogdan Kolar, SDB, professor emeritus of ecclesiastical history at the University of Ljubljana, who faithfully and meticulously preserves the history of Salesian work in the SLO Province from its beginnings to the present.
After a short break, the colorful crowd gathered at the courtyard of the Salesian house "Majcnova hiša," where Ms. Barbara Kastelec presented the permanent exhibition "Salesian Reality through Time". It was designed by Klemen Kunaver on seven large panels "to revive and preserve among us the memory of all those who, with the sweat of their brows and with praise on their lips, co-created this place for children and young people," explained the curators of the exhibition. "Like us," they added, "they quickly traversed this courtyard, moving from one task to another, to new challenges, in changing historical circumstances, and by every method they made the glad tidings resound among the youth."
After the presentation and a short musical program, the exhibition was officially opened by the Provincial Fr. Košnik and Fr. Jachimowicz.
Altar servers from the various Salesian parishes in the country also gathered in Rakovnik to celebrate the occasion. About 80 of them were warmly welcomed by the local altar boys, led by Andraž Krnec, who prepared a special program for them before they all participated together in the solemn Mass.
The Mass of Thanksgiving on the occasion of the Centenary of the Salesian Province was celebrated by the Archbishop and Metropolitan of Ljubljana, Msgr. Stanislav Zore, OFM, in the presence of the President of the Slovenian Bishops' Conference, Msgr. Andrej Saje, and about 50 priests. In addition to the Salesian family, staff, and collaborators, representatives of other religious communities, organizations, and associations were also present. And along with the aforementioned altar servers, the liturgy was richly enriched by the voices of the youth choir of the Salesian Institute of Želimlje, under the direction of Polona Stegu, which made the ceremony livelier and more authentically Salesian.
During the Mass, Msgr. Zore thanked the Salesians for all their mission in the Slovenian Church during the 100 years of the Province and invited them to continue their collaboration. "Even before the Second Vatican Council, the Salesians were able to discern the signs of the times and took up the work in the parishes. They came to the aid of the diocese at a very difficult time after the war. I thank you for remaining in the parishes today and for all the work you do among young people," said the archbishop, who concluded by wishing that their pastoral love flourish through the intercession of Mary Help of Christians.
At the end of the celebration, the President of the Slovenian Bishops' Conference, Msgr. Saje, also wanted to give his message, and he used the metaphor of the Salesian tree - which during the Holy Mass was filled with the "fruits" of the Salesian Family - to express his gratitude to this great religious family that has continued to produce so much good for 100 years.