Uruguay - Fr. Gabriel Romero meets with Salesian Provincials of America South Cone Region
Florida, Uruguay - Oct. 26, 2022 - Salesian Provincials from Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay met at the "Jesús Buen Pastor" Retreat House, Department of Florida, Uruguay, together with Fr. Gabriel Romero, Councilor for the America Southern Cone Region. At the end of their first day of meeting, they concelebrated the Eucharist at the National Shrine of the Patroness of Uruguay, the Virgin of the Thirty-Three, where they were received by the Bishop of Florida, Msgr. Martín Pérez Scremini. The main theme that brings them together is the preparation of the Visitation of Togetherness that will be celebrated next year in Argentina, in addition to other themes proper to interregional and inter-provincial work. The Provincials and Fr. Romero met, through Zoom, with the Regional Center of Salesian Coadjutor Brothers (CRESCO) and a meeting is also planned with the Salesian Center for Continuing Education America (CSFPA) and the Salesian Social America Network (RASS).