India - 44th Provincial Congress of the Association of Salesian Cooperators of St. John Paul II province of Shillong

18 October 2022

Shillong, India – October 2022 - The Mary Queen of Peace Parish Mawjrong, Laitkroh, Meghalaya, hosted the 44th Provincial Congress of the Association of Salesian Cooperators of St. John Paul II province of Shillong (INS) on the 16th October 2022. It was organized by the team of Cooperators led by Mr. Nicholas Nongtdu, the Provincial Secretary of St. John Paul II Province Shillong (INS). The 400 Salesian cooperators from the 21 centers of the INS province, together with Sr. Cristina Kharkongor FMA, the FMA Provincial Delegate, participated in the event which was inaugurated by the Hoisting of the Flag by Rev. Fr. G.K. Warbah SDB the Parish Priest along with Mrs. Benita Marbaniang, the Provincial Coordinator (INS) at 10.00 am on Saturday. The Holy Eucharist presided over by Rev. Fr. Tobias Kharngapkynta, the Parish Priest of St. Paul’s Parish, Upper Shillong, had the theme of the congress “Do all through love, nothing through constraint”. During the Homily he appreciated and praised the work of the Salesians during the past 100 years. During the holy Eucharist four new cooperators from different centres made the promise and all others renewed their promises as members of the Association of the Cooperators of Don Bosco. The August assembly was animated by the key note address delivered by Rev. Fr. Joseph Anikuzhikattil SDB, the Provincial Delegate, for the Salesian Family. The assembly consisting of delegates from the five regions of the province decided to make sure that in the coming year they will work towards achieving holiness of each member and of their families through a life of communion and love, as well as greater awareness of God’s presence in their daily life.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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