Argentina – Fr. Francisco Santos, Formation Dept. member, visiting formation houses in northern Argentina
Argentina - October 2022 - Fr. Francisco Santos, member of the Salesian Formation Department, is visiting Argentina, sent by Fr. Ivo Coelho, General Councilor for Formation, for visits to formation houses in the America South Cone Region. Since his arrival, Fr. Santos has met with the students of the theological studentate of San Justo, the postnovices of the "Miguel Rúa" House in Córdoba, and the aspirants and prenovices of Comandante Fontana, in the Chaco Province. He got to know the houses of study attended by these young people, the rhythms and life of the different communities, and spoke personally with each Salesian in formation and each formator, to hear from them their experiences, opinions, and points of view. He also traveled to Chile, where he visited the local theological studentate, and participated in the South Cone America formation meeting. The event brought together formation teams from various Provinces in South America, in the presence of Fr. Carlos Romero, Sector Delegate in Argentina North. All these activities are linked to the process of developing the new Ratio Fundamentalis, the document that guides the formation of the Salesian Congregation around the world.