Italy - Salesians from Warsaw and Krakow Provinces on spiritual retreat in land of Don Bosco
Turin, Italy - September 2022 - From September 24 to October 1, the Salesians of the Warsaw (AWP) and Krakow (PLS) Provinces are holding their spiritual retreat in the land of Don Bosco. The time of the spiritual exercises was a unique time to get closer to Don Bosco again via his sites: first and foremost, Colle Don Bosco, steeped in the history of young John, who was born, grew up, and discovered his vocation in these locations; and Valdocco, home to the first Salesian Oratory of Valdocco, the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians, which among other things also houses the remains of Don Bosco, and the new "Casa Don Bosco House Museum." "These unique places made us feel anew the beauty and strength of the Salesian charism and bring on us the experience of the encounter between the Salesians who come there from all continents," testified one of the participants.