Pakistan – Don Bosco contributes to Pakistan flood relief 2022

12 September 2022

(ANS – Lahore) – During the last 3 months, Pakistan was hit by a two-fold natural disaster: Himalaya glacier melting and the worst rainfall flood in recorded memory. On August 30, according to the officials, some one-third of the territory is underwater and 80 of 160 districts were declared a disaster zone. A total of 33 million people - Pakistan’s population: 235 million - are affected and until now floods brought 1,300 deaths, and 1.8 million houses have been totally destroyed or washed away. Most affected are the regions of northern Pakistan with flash floods, Balochistan (31 districts), Sindh (23 districts), and 3 districts in Punjab.

Around 6 million people need urgent help, some already living in ad hoc camps with very little food, and no hygiene and sanitation. This catastrophic impact continues with many cases of disease in camps and villages while there is a lack of medicines (dengue fever, malaria, diarrhea, hepatitis, and typhoid).

Some countries and international charities already moved to send some help, but the solidarity speed is rather slow. Aside from the much-needed emergency relief, there is a need to offer support to recover. Also, the UN Secretary-General made his appeal video. World media present the Pakistan flood as a huge humanitarian crisis driven by climate change: Today Pakistan, tomorrow .... your country.

'Don Bosco Education Society' receives many help requests from parishes, communities, families, or Don Bosco past pupils. Our Salesian delegation of Pakistan discerned a project addressed to Don Bosco Colony Jacobabad (56 families), Sukkher (40 families), and the Zahid area (42 families). Don Bosco Past Pupils Association in Lahore is involved in this operation, too. The immediate urgent help required are tents, shelter kits, food, medicines, blankets, water containers, cooking items, and soap.

During the last 20 years, in Pakistan, Don Bosco Salesians were providential in providing help for the 2005 - 2008 - 2010 Earthquake victims (emergency relief, food, shelter and medicines, house and schools construction) in Balochistan, Sindh; in helping the flood victims in Sindh region (2012) and humanitarian assistance during the Coronavirus pandemic (2020-2021).

For more details on the ground, you may contact the Rector of Don Bosco Lahore, Fr. Noble, SDB (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)  


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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